Elections will be held August 22, 2023
June 14, 2023
(Talladega, AL) Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 an election will be held for the purpose of electing a mayor, a council member for each ward (5 wards), and a School Board Member for each ward (5 wards), for the City of Talladega, Alabama. All registered and qualified electors of the state, who reside within the corporate limits of the City of Talladega, and have resided therein for 30 days or more immediately preceding the date of the election, will be authorized to participate in the city’s election of municipal officers.
The polls will open at 7:00am and close at 7:00pm at the following polling sites: B.N. Mabra Recreation Center (Ward 1), Brecon Recreation Center (Ward 2), Spring Street Recreation Center (Wards 3 and 4) and Bemiston Recreation Center (Ward 5) per Ordinance No. 1789 adopted December 15, 2014. If necessary, a run-off election will be held on Tuesday, September 19, 2023.
Voters must be registered at least 14 days prior to the election in order to cast a vote. A list of registered voters will be posted on the City’s website (www.talladega.com), at the Armstrong-Osborne Public Library, and at the Water Department lobby at 100 Court Street starting
July 18, 2023. Absentee ballot applications can be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 255 South St. West or at the Alabama Secretary of State website (https://www.sos.alabama.gov).
Citizens who wish to be considered as a Candidate and have their name appear on the ballot for the Municipal Election must file a Statement of Candidacy with the City Clerk at City Hall, 255 South St. West between 8:00 am on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 and at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, June 27, 2023. Any qualified elector who has resided within the municipality within the district from which he or she seeks election, for a period of at least 90 days prior to election day may qualify to run for office. Call City Clerk, Joanna Medlen, with any questions at 256-362-8186 ext. 1026.