The mission of the Finance Department is to provide fiscal and financial support to the City Manager, City Council and all City departments. Timely and accurate financial information is provided through budgeting and financial reporting, forecasting and procedure development.
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Major Functions Of The Finance Department
Coordinate and prepare the annual Budget for the City Manager to present to the City Council, and for subsequent adoption by the City Council
Provide expenditure reports and monthly financial updates to the City Council
Monitor the City’s expenditures and financial information for budgetary control and decision making by the City’s management
Maintain an accurate and reliable general ledger, fixed assets inventory and other financial records
Develop and ensure adherence to financial and accounting policies and procedures
Coordinate the annual audit and issue the City’s audited financial statements as part of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
Maintain, monitor and reconcile all City bank accounts and invest City funds
Issue accounts payable checks and maintain vendor files
Approve, classify, process and monitor all business licenses; mail business license renewal notices annually
Collect and process all taxes due to the City to include gas, tobacco, sales & use, lodging and rental
Conduct and/or oversee all audits on businesses
Enforce all laws regarding the licensing and taxing activity
Finance Department
Finance Department Members
Finance Director
Revenue Officer
Finance Department
Administrative Clerk
Accounts Payable/Payroll Clerk
Financial Reports
General Fund Budget
More detailed budget information is available upon request. Please contact Romy Stamps, Finance Director