Tthe City of Talladega by effectively designing and constructing capital improvement projects, to develop and maintain infrastructure assets in a fiscally responsible manner and to effectively and accurately respond to citizen inquiries.
Director of Public Works & Animal Control
Administrative Coordinator
Main Department Contact Information:
Office Hours
Mailing Address
Shipping Address
Recycling Center:
Located on South Street West at the intersection of George Holdridge Lane and South Street West

Frequently Asked Questions:
How do we report a street light malfunction?
The City of Talladega’s street lights are repaired by Alabama Power. To report a malfunction of a street light, please call the Public Works Department at 256-362-2825 and give the street address nearest the light or report the issue on the Talladega Action Center Application.
Where do we report concerns regarding potholes?
If you encounter a pothole, please call the Public Works Department at 256-362-2825 or report the issue on the Talladega Action Center application.
Who can I contact to repair the curb and sidewalk in front of my home?
Please call 256-0362-2825 to report curb cuts or damaged sidewalks. You may also report any issues on the Talladega Action Center Application.